Event Period: Sep 25 - Oct 31


Free Registration Open for 2 Weeks During event period

Sep 25 - Oct 31

Final Technical Test
July 31 - September 25

TL;DR Monitored our streaming and cloud servers to see how much user load it can handle etc...

Sep 25 - Oct 31

Events and Social aspects of the League, Get to know your fellow members & new ways of accessing content.

Oct 31 - December 1st

During this period the website design will be getting completed, 100% Which will allow for more events and stable content release.

Candid Coins

You may have noticed the leaderboard on the homepage and candid coins on your account page.
After the Final Technical Test phase we gathered a lot of information on how our servers really perform in a live scenario with multiple users on the site.

So were going to break down the decision of adding points.

One of the things we wanted to achieve was to have a viable means of engagement for users, nothing too much..
Balancing the competitive nature of the site and a community was a bit of a challenge but the point system allows users to engage with the site at a communal level with a bit of competitive nature through the leaderboards, ranking and events.

What Currency technically does?

It gets people more active and aligns with the nature of the League. Candid League is a video publishing company with a streaming website (here), and as such, we reward premium videos for active members. This allows free users to participate in the league based on their engagement level.

We also want to acknowledge paying users through the leaderboards, an exclusive premium currency Prismatic Cubes, and being one of the first people on the planet to Unlock/watch the latest, best candid videos!

We’ll be getting an event currency that only lasts for events to unlock limited time videos.

How Coins Work and How To Earn Them:

Coins are used to unlock certain videos. These are the core ways to earn Candid Coins (CC):

Other ways:

Prismatic Cubes

Cubes are a premium currency only earned by users with League Pass/Booster. They can be used as alternatives to CandidCoins or Event Currencies to unlock videos.
Cubes can be utilized for unlocking Legendary Event Videos to preserve event currencies, which then leftover event currencies can be converted to Candid Coins before the event ends.

Noticable Changes

League Pass

1240 on Registration

1240 on Renewal

League Booster

2480 on Registration

2480 on Renewal

League Pass

5 on Registration

5 on Renewal

League Booster

10 on Registration

10 on Renewal